
The choices you make today affects a child tomorrow: Ministering to the child of divorce


Reverse the negative impact of divorce on chidden

The choices you make today in ministering to children of divorce can affect them for the rest of their lives. If the child of divorce finds…..

  • Attention from church leaders, it might very well prevent that teen girl from getting pregnant.
  • Value at church, it might prevent that teen boy from committing suicide.
  • Someone who cares for them at church, it might prevent a young adult from turning to drugs or alcohol.
  • Safety at church and with church leaders, it could lessen the stress and overwhelming confusion that leads teenagers into delinquency.
  • A loving church leader who models love for his wife and values his marriage, it might prevent a child of divorce from divorcing as an adult.

If a child finds just one person that takes the time to be there, it might encourage a child to turn to the Lord.

If  you have ever impacted a child’s life whose parents were divorced or separated, share your story with us.


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