Archive for September, 2015
#Divorceselfies – a new trend
Openly celebrating the demise of a marriage on social media is becoming trendy. In case you are not aware it is fashionable now to celebrate the death of a marriage by posting “divorce selfies.” Most divorce selfies happen as a couple leaves the courthouse after they have filed for divorce or been granted a divorce. On the steps of the courthouse they take a Read more…
Positive traits of kids in single parent homes
Recently I was leading a single parent retreat. At the beginning of the retreat I put up a poster titled, “My Child’s Positives” along with a sharpie attached to the paper. The instructions were at any time during the retreat they could go to the poster and list their children’s positive traits. While this might sound like a simple request for any parenting Read more…
How infidelity between a parent and a family friend devastates the children
In the post How the Ashley Madison scandal will affect children I shared how that scandal might affect children. But is the impact the same, as when a parent has an extramarital affair with someone the child knows? Is it worse when it is someone the child is close to? Think about it for a moment. It is hard enough when a child Read more…
How the Ashley Madison scandal will affect children
In recent weeks the breech of data from the website called Ashley Madison has disrupted millions of lives and compromised countless families. On Wikipedia you can read how in July of this year hackers stole user data from a commercial website called Ashley Madison. This site is billed a vehicle to enable extramarital affairs. The hackers have now released 25 gigabytes of company data including Read more…
KidMins! You will want to read this – children ministering to children
I realize children’s ministers, aka KidMins, have only a small amount of time to read blog posts so I’m going to make this post very short. Recently I wrote and post about how children of divorce can disciple and minister to other children. Immediately Mal Fick from South Africa sent in the following comment. I have been working in DC4K for almost Read more…
Back-to-school tips for the divorcing parent
When a couple divorces, many times they attempt to keep the breakup quiet. Perhaps they are embarrassed– or feel it a private matter. More than likely though, one or both spouse are so overwhelmed with a range of decisions and emotions they are coping with that they don’t think about telling other people. Often, schoolteachers are among the last to know. In a recent study 94% of teachers surveyed Read more…
What if every single parent developed a War Room?
There is a lot of attention right now about the movie. War Room. It is showing in many theaters across the country. It’s also getting rave reviews. It’s become a box office success. If you’ve seen the movie you know that the “war room” is a place where prayer takes place. Prayer goes to battle. The warrior suits up with prayer. Prayers get answered. This Read more…
Have you encountered kids who actually wanted their parents to get a divorce?
Recently I posted an article about how blunt kids can be when talking about their parent’s divorce. After that post was published I had someone ask me if I had encountered kids who actually wanted their parents to get a divorce. This person asked if it was possible for little children to truly understood what divorce meant. Do they really want their parents Read more…
What happens when you have the “warm fuzzies” for challenging children
Take a moment to think of someone you care about or someone that has impacted your life in a positive way. There are a lot of people that have impacted my life especially in ministry. When I think of one lady in particular and how she has blessed me down through the years I get the “warm fuzzies”. You know that feeling where Read more…
Seriously? Kids of divorce can disciple and minister?
Many times when one reads articles or posts about kids of divorce, we read about hurting children. We envision sad children. We think about angry kids. However, we have hundreds of children in our churches that are healing from the devastation of divorce. They have moved past always being sad and angry. These are kids whose one or both parents have kept them Read more…
Is it possible to stop generational divorce?
Are you aware divorce in a family can be generational? What do I mean by that? Let me give you an example. Grandma and Grandpa Smith divorce early in their marriage. Most generally the mother rears the children in a single parent family. Or she marries quickly and that marriage ends in divorce. The children grow up, get married and they end up Read more…