Archive for the ‘Quotes’ Category
Why children like “life in the shadows”
Too Small To Ignore, by Dr. Wess Stafford (Waterbrook Press) pg. 63 How will you create a close-knit group for a child of divorce? Will these kids feel accepted and part of the group family? Many children of divorce feel abandoned by one of their parents and sometime by both parents. Children of divorce need the church. They need to know God will never Read more…
Mother’s Day
How are you honoring the moms of kids in single parent families in your church? Single moms are wonderful caring and hard working people. Celebrate them. Honor them and love on them this Mother’s Day. And remember some single mom’s won’t have their children with them on Mother’s Day. For those moms Mother’s Day is a painful reminder that they parent alone. Ask Read more…
Children Ignored By ….
A spiritual war rages over each and every child. It is above us and beyond us and engages the full fury of the hosts of both heaven and hell. Children may be ignored by government, church and mission – but not by Satan or God Almighty.” Dr. Wess Stafford in “Too Small to Ignore” Will children of divorce in your community turn toward Read more…
Planting shadows: generational consequences of divorce
Chinese proverb One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade. American proverb One generation gets a divorce; another gets to live in the shadows of confusion, loss of a marriage model, loss of trust in relationships, haphazard church involvement and the experience of living in fractured families.
What does divorce do to a child?
Accept the challenge! Read articles on ministering to the child of divorce at Get free email ministry tips. Subscribe to the DC4K blog here
Jaimie’s Wish – What Would You Say?
“I wish my daddy would love me as much as he loves his girlfriend and HER daughter, but I know that won’t happen!” Posted by Jaimie on Facebook What would you say to my 12 year-old friend if she were in your church?
Why do some kids seem to breeze through a divorce?
Many children of divorce appear to breeze through the divorce at the time the divorce happens. But don’t jump to conclusions. Many of these little girls will try to “keep the peace.” They will hide their feelings and say and do the things they think the adults expect and want from them. However, the divorce experience remains alive – but as memories that they push Read more…
Inspired to develop, lead and disciple at CMLeaders Conference
This past weekend I was privileged to attend the CMLeader’s Conference in Columbus, OH. This conference was sponsored by INCM, International Children’s Minister Network. The theme was develop, lead and disciple. What a treat it was to get to meet face-to-face all my children’s minster friends. Many of us know each other from FaceBook and Twitter but we have never actually met. We Read more…