
How you can get the R.E.A.L. strategy for ministering to kids of divorce & single parent families



I have a wonderful opportunity to present a full 8 hours at the Group KidMin Conference coming up in October. That is e-i-g-h-t hours!

I am excited to have this opportunity to talk about kids of divorce and their single parents to children’s pastors and church leaders.

The deeper learning track I’m presenting is “Ministry to Kids of Divorce and Single Parent Families.

The last several days have been spent in preparing the outlines and including a lot of relational, experiential, applicable and learner-based options within the four two-hour workshops. If you’re not familiar with the new brain research, we are learning that children and adults learn best when they have various opportunities to connect with the training through these four mediums.

R – Relational or relationships with the leader and with each other
E – Experiential or the use of experiences that involve everyone in the session
A – Applicable or being able to applying the concept in the lesson to one’s life
L – Learner-based, giving options of different learning styles such as the use of stations with children or presenting adults with various means to process the information

R.E.A.L components that will be included in the eight-hour track, “Ministry to Kids of Divorce and Single Parent Families” are

  • Demonstrations that involve people in the group. One demonstration, which involves the entire group, shows the issues of church support to a child in grief due to death of a parent compared to the grief of losing a parent in a divorce.
  • Fun ways to connect with each other in the group
  • Some games from the DC4K curriculum that will help church leaders understand the difficulty of living in two homes
  • A demonstration involving balloons that is eye opening to say the least
  • Thought provoking questions

You get the idea. It is going to be lively, interesting, entertaining and fun as well as a true learning experience. Plus, I’m going to have a ball presenting all of this information. Here are the names of the workshops in my 8 hour track.

  • What It Take to Engage These Families
  • Culture Shock:  What’s Different and the Same
  • Strategies That Work with Stressed-Out Children
  • Embracing the Challenging Behavior Child and Parent

Here is a description of the deeper learning track on “Ministry to Kids of Divorce and Single Parent Families”.

“Divorcing families have changed the landscape of what families look like within a church and in children’s ministry. Addressing behavior issues, helping the child fit in, and knowing how to work with a single parent are critical tools if we want to keep these kids coming to church. You can replicate a loving family and assist the single parent in providing a loving environment for these hurting and challenging children. You’ll literally fall in love with these children when you successfully learn how to accommodate them and change the climate of church for them now and in their future.”

Hope to see you there if you are a KidMin or a volunteer who will be attending the Group KidMin Conference. If you can’t attend, tell a friend about it and tell them to look me up at the conference.



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