A middle school teacher asked me a question that proved to be fairly thought provoking. I wanted to share his question and my thoughts toward his question.
His question
As a middle school teacher, I always wonder why some students deal very well with divorce, while others don’t? I would never make the assumption that they don’t do well, because many do.
On being a middle school student when parents divorce
Being a tween or in middle school when parents initially divorce is so very difficult on kids. To be a child on the threshold of adolescence is the worst time to have divorcing parents.
Some tweens and teens when being told parents are divorcing will act nonchalant and continue as if nothing has happened. For these kids the denial may last for several years. Some kids will demonstrate what is known as the sleeper effect where the effects of the divorce doesn’t show up until their late teen years or even into adulthood.
Many variables why some might do well with a divorce while others struggle
- The age they were when their parents divorced could make a difference.
If their parents divorced when they were infants, toddlers or preschoolers perhaps they have had time to adjust to their situation. Or their parents have had time to adjust.
Everyone has gotten into routines and life has moved on. These kids accept living in separate homes because it’s the only type of living they may remember.
- It might be that the parents know how to work with each other in a non-confrontational way.
Parents who continue the “war” for long periods of time after the initial divorce will continue to affect their child’s process of grieving the divorce. These kids can’t ever truly mourn the death of the once intact family simply because it’s always in their face.
- A lot also depends on how the parent or both parents initially handled the discipline with the child and their interactions after the divorce.
Another contributing factor is how strong the custodial parent is and how they conveyed their expectations and set boundaries for the child.
- Some kids do better because they have a good support system surrounding them.
This support system might include grandparents, church family, caring children’s minister, neighbors and caring school teachers who take time to notice and give the child extra attention.
- Some kids have a higher capacity to handle conflict.
They internally have the ability to be positive and try and find the best way to look at things. They are naturally more resilient than other kids.
I think this is particularly true if they have a personal relationship with Christ. They find hope and encouragement in the scriptures and in their prayer life.
- Others do well because they attended a group support program such as DC4K.
In DC4K they
Found answers to their questions
Were able to learn there are other kids like them
Were given an opportunity to help others
In general learned ways to better cope with their individual situation
You may not ever know these kids attended a DC4K program when they were in elementary school because they may not talk about it.
- Some middle school age children will hide their family problems. They will keep it together at school but fall apart at each parent’s home.
They find school as an escape from their problems and will throw themselves into their schoolwork.
To read more about tweens and how they process divorce see “Tweens and the Effects of Divorce on Their Lives”
If you are church leaders what has been your experience with middle school kids?
If you are a single parent how has your tween or middle school student handled the divorce at school?
If you are adult child of divorce, how did you handle the divorce in your middle school years?
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