“The truth is, kids of divorce can be resilient when they have a strong support system undergirding them while the family they knew radically changes. What better place for children of divorce to find strong support than in God’s house, among friends and adults who’ll love and care for them? Still, many children’s ministers are unsure of what it takes to minister to children of divorce. And sadly, inadvertent actions, poorly chosen words, or outright avoidance rooted in this uncertainty can cause kids to turn away from God rather than toward him in a time of great spiritual need.” An excerpt from the article, “Building a Bridge of Support for Children of Divorce.”
The article can be printed or downloaded on the Children’s Ministry website.
Here is just one story about a children’s pastor who called and said they were going to have to ask a seven-year-old to not come back to church. “I had one question for the pastor: “If you kick this child out of church when he’s 7, do you really think he’s going to come back when he’s 17?”
Read more about what the pastor did at the Children’s Ministry website.