
KidMins! You will want to read this – children ministering to children




I realize children’s ministers, aka KidMins, have only a small amount of time to read blog posts so I’m going to make this post very short.

Recently I wrote and post about how children of divorce can disciple and minister to other children. Immediately Mal Fick from South Africa sent in the following comment.

I have been working in DC4K for almost 10 years and there is one instance that is a treasure in my soul and spirit. It was when I saw an 11 year old boy (I’ll call Mark) minister to a 12 year old boy (I’ll call Dean) in one of our DC4K sessions.

Mark had found his dad hanging from the roof in an attempted suicide and was able to save his dad. The divorce was the result of facts, which came out of this attempted suicide. Mark had arrived at DC4k pale and zombie-like but he became a follower of Jesus during that time and over the weeks we saw him transformed into a happy child ready to take on the world again.

One night Dean burst into tears because he missed his dad coming to say goodnight to him – a ritual that was important to him. Mark was so disturbed at Dean’s pain that he asked me if he could pray for him.

He prayed the most beautiful prayer that I have ever heard from a child. I call this a God-moment! He prayed, among other things, that God would comfort Dean and help him to remember that the DC4K family loved him and would always be there for him.

At the end of the session I was alone in the hall clearing up and these 2 boys were the last to leave. I stopped what I was doing to watch. In silence these 2 boys gravitated towards each other and threw their arms around each other, and hugged then left.

Wow, kids CAN minister to each other!

When you help kids heal from the hurts and devastation of divorce, you create disciples who can minister and teach other kids that you or other adults in your church might not be able. You also create future adults who are compassionate and ready to serve a loving Father God.


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